'Co-Evolve' and Dr Michelle Lord

about 3Co-Evolve is run by Dr Michelle Lord.  Michelle is a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) with the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) and a full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) and Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC).  Michelle has being seeing canine behaviour cases through vet referral for the last ten years.

Alongside her work with clients, Michelle has also worked extensively in research. She recently completed a four year period of work on a Dogs Trust funded, long-term study of the behaviour, health and welfare of dogs throughout their lives (www.generationpup.ac.uk).  The results of this study are being used to develop management and prevention strategies for a wide range of behavioural and health problems in dogs. Prior to this Michelle worked at the Royal Veterinary College as a research assistant and as an honorary research fellow at the University of Bristol.  Results of her studies have been published in peer reviewed scientific journals, including ‘Veterinary Record’ and ‘Applied Animal Behaviour Science.’  Please see below for a full list of Michelle’s contributions to scientific research.

Michelle believes that her consultations with clients compliment her research work, and vice versa.  Being at the forefront of canine research is a vital component of being able to help owners with their dogs, as we are learning more and more about dogs and their behaviour through scientific studies.  Unfortunately the dog training and behaviour industry is largely unregulated, with many ’trainers/behaviourists’ using outdated methods which are detrimental for both owners and their dogs.  Michelle’s scientific background, experience and qualifications, along with her commitment to continuing professional development, enable her to offer the highest level of advice and support for canine behaviour issues.

Together we understand and resolve your dog’s behavioural issues
Why choose Michelle?
  1. Dr Michelle Lord CCAB is a fully qualified clinical animal behaviourist.

  2. Most pet insurance companies cover Michelle’s consultation costs.

  3. Michelle adheres to a strict Privacy Policy, see here for more information.

  4. Many vet practices across Bristol and the South West refer cases to Michelle.

  5. Michelle’s client testimonials are available here

Michelle's qualifications and experience

Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) with the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB)

Full member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)

Certificated member of the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC)

Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC) Registered Clinical Animal Behaviourist

Experienced researcher with several publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals***

PhD in Animal Behaviour, University College Dublin, Ireland

First class honours degree in Zoology (BSc (Hons)), University College Dublin, Ireland


April 2013 – present.  Owner of Co-Evolve Dog Training and Behaviour Consultancy.

February 2018 – August 2019.  Research Officer for Cohort Studies.  Dogs Trust, Wakely Street, London.

August 2015 – January 2018.  Research assistant.  Royal Veterinary College, London and the University of Bristol, Langford, Avon.

December 2013 – March 2017.  Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol, Langford, Avon.

February 2009 – February 2014.  Puppy Training Supervisor.  Guide Dogs for the Blind, Northern Ireland.

***Scientific publications and presentations
  • Owczarczak-Garstecka, S.C., Casey, R.A., Cooper, B.,  Da Costa, R.E.P., Kinsman, R.H., Lord, M.S., Tasker, S., Williams, A.,  Murray, J.K., 2025.  Association between training methods and owner-reported problem behaviours in dogs enrolled in the ‘Generation Pup’ longitudinal study in the UK.  Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 77: 52-60.
  • Da Costa, R.E.P, Kinsman, R.H., Owczarczak-Garstecka, S.C., Casey, R.A., Tasker, S.Knowles, T., Woodward, J.L., Lord, M.S., and Murray, J, 2022.  Age of sexual maturity and factors associated with neutering dogs in the UK and the Republic of Ireland.  
  • Woodward, J.L., Casey, R.A., Lord, M.S., Kinsman, R.H., Da Costa, R.E.PKnowles, T.Tasker, S., and Murray, J, 2021.  Factors influencing owner-reported approaches to training dogs enrolled in the Generation Pup longitudinal study.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 242:105404 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2021.105404.
  • Murray, J.K., Kinsman, R.H., Lord, M.S., Da Costa, R.E.PWoodward, J.L., Owczarczak-Garstecka, S.C., Tasker, S., Knowles, T.G., and Casey, R.A., 2021.  ‘Generation Pup’ – protocol for a longitudinal study of dog behaviour and healthBMC Veterinary Research, 17:1 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-020-02730-8.
  • Lord, M.S., Casey, R.A.,Kinsman, R.H.Tasker, S., Knowles, T.G., Da Costa, R.Woodward, J., and Murray, J, 2020.  Owner perception of problem behaviours in dogs aged 6 and 9-months.  Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 232:105147 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2020.105147.
  • Kinsman, R.Casey, R.Knowles, T.Tasker, S.Lord, M.Da Costa, R.Woodward, J., and Murray, J, 2020.  Puppy acquisition: factors associated with acquiring a puppy under eight weeks of age and without viewing the mother. 
  • Da Costa, R.,Casey, R.,Woodward, Kinsman, R.H., Owczarczak-Garstecka, S.C., Lord, M.S., Tasker, S., Knowles, T.G., and Murray, J.K., 2020.  Neutering decisions of owners of 12 month old dogs in the Generation Pup cohort study. The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) conference 2020: abstract.
  • Kinsman, R, Owczarczak-Garstecka, S., Casey, R., Knowles, T., Tasker, S., Lord, M., Woodward, J., Da Costa, R., and Murray, J., 2020.  A Summary of Canine Sleep Behaviour: Early Findings from the Generation Pup Cohort Study.  Virtual UFAW Animal Welfare Conference 2020: poster.
  • Woodward, J.,Casey, R., Tasker, S.,Knowles, T., Da Costa, R., Kinsman, R., Lord, M., and Murray, J., 2020.  Training methods and reported problem behaviours in a cohort of dogs.  BSAVA Congress 2020: Abstract.
  • Da Costa, R.,Casey, R.,Woodward, J., Kinsman, R., Tasker, S.,Knowles, T.,Lord, M., and Murray, J., 2020.  Factors associated with neuter status in 12-month-old dogs in a longitudinal study.  BSAVA Congress 2020: Abstract.
  • Lord, M., Casey, R., Tasker, S., Knowles, T., Kinsman, R., Da Costa, R., Woodward, J., and Murray, J., 2019. Owner perceptions of problem behaviours in dogs aged 6 months.  British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2019: abstract and oral presentation by ML.
  • Woodward, J., Casey, R., Lord, M., Kinsman, R., Tasker, S., Knowles, T., Da Costa, R., Buckland, E., and Murray, J., 2019.   Factors that affect intended adoption of reward-based training reported by a cohort of puppy owners. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2019: abstract and oral presentation by JW.
  • Buckland, E., Da Costa, R., Casey, R., Lord, M., Kinsman, R., Woodward, J., Tasker, S., Knowles, T., and Murray, J., 2019.   Effect of dog ownership experience on the uptake of preventative health care practices reported by puppy owners. British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2019: abstract and oral presentation by RDC.
  • Kinsman, R., Casey, R., Lord, M., Woodward, J., Tasker, S., Knowles, T., Da Costa, R., and Murray, J., 2019.   Factors associated with owner acquisition of puppies under 8 weeks of age.  British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Congress 2019: abstract and oral presentation by RK.
  • Murray, J.K., Casey, R.A., Lord, M., Kinsman, R., Da Costa, R., Woodward, J., Tasker, S., and Knowles, T., 2019. The “Generation Pup” puppy birth cohort: owner-reported canine health problems to age 12 months.  Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM) conference: poster presentation by JM.
  • Murray, J.K., Casey, R.A., Lord, M., Kinsman, R., Da Costa, R., Woodward, J., Tasker, S., and Knowles, T., 2018. Puppy acquisition behaviour – preliminary data from the “Generation Pup” birth cohort. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics conference: poster presentation by JM.
  • Lord, M., Loftus, B.A., Blackwell, E.J., and Casey, R.A., 2017.  Risk factors for human-directed aggression in a referral level clinical population.  Veterinary Record, 181: 44.